Monday, November 21, 2011

pH Water - Alkaline Water

pH Water - Alkaline Water

Water Filter

Pure, clean, alkaline water has become such a concern that it is estimated that 50 percent of us now drink bottled water. In fact, we now pay more for it than we do gasoline. But be aware, The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) conducted a four-year study on 103 brands of bottled water and found that one-third of those brands contained synthetic and organic chemicals and bacteria, making them unsafe for human consumption. The council reported that one brand, labeled "spring water," actually came from an industrial parking lot near a hazardous waste site.

In 2001 alone, the Environmental Protection agency reported 82,000 violations of safe drinking water standards, affecting more than 78 million Americans. Don't assume that if your home's tap water looks, tastes and smells OK that it is safe. Many of the most dangerous contaminants cannot be detected with your senses. Dr. Joseph Price, author of "Coronaries, Cholesterol and Chlorine", believes there is a strong correlation between chlorine being introduced into our water supply in 1904 and our present epidemic of heart disease, cancer and senility. "The basic cause of arteriosclerosis, heart attacks, and most forms of stroke is... the chlorine in processed water." he writes.

Now where can you find good, healthy, clean, alkaline water. Most likely, to your surprise, you can get good water right at your own sink through distilling or reverse-osmosis (purified) filtering.

Distillation is the evaporation and condensation of water. Distilled water comes closest to rainwater, which, if our atmosphere wasn't so polluted, would be the ideal source of water. Reverse-osmosis is a multi-filter process that purifies water of toxic chemicals and large mineral deposits.

Both processes make the water more neutral, and it can then be made more alkaline as necessary with the addition of pH drops. When added to the pure, neutral water you drink, and thus added to your bloodstream, pH drops act as an oxygen catalyst, alkalizing, neutralizing, oxygenating, and pH balancing the body. Pure alkaline water.

Whichever method you choose, buying distilled water, distilling it yourself, reverse-osmosis filters, drops, just stock your fridge or pantry with good water. And drink up the pure alkaline water! Drinking between meals is especially important. You can squeeze fresh lemon or lime juice in your drinking water to boost its alkalizing effects. Don't forget to add SuperGreens for an absolutely energizing spark to your day. This is a great way to start each day - hydrated, energized and focused.

Plenty of alkaline water is the key to overall good health, along with quality supplements that your body can absorb. After all, your body is 70% water and your blood even more at 94%. Learn where to obtain pure, healthy, alkaline water. Click on the link below.

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